Happy Valentine’s Day from the Canada Geese at Mitchell cabin.


The behavior of a crazed loser did not originate with Donald Trump, as this 1982 New Yorker cartoons illustrates.


Formal debate had already begun replacing aggressive prosecution in another 1982 New Yorker cartoon. I had considered the gladiators-versus-lions in the Roman Coliseum the ultimate high-stakes event. It never occurred to me a lion might have to to impeach a histrionic gladiator who had overindulged his sense of entitlement.


As noted here before, my obligation to encourage wildlife a few years back led me to teach this possum dining etiquette. You could safely invite him in for your Valentine’s Day dinner. He’s certainly no Covid-19 carrier.


Is this a Senate committee hearing or just another hungry-and-thirsty American in search of sustenance?




From a 1958 New Yorker


As part of my program to refine wildlife, I once mentored a bodhisattva possum on its path to enlightenment.


What was Edouard Manet picturing in Le Déjeuner sur l’herb’? Lunch on the grass.




And a hearty Happy Valentine’s Day! from the raccoon I’ve trained to work as a flower vendor and who, I might add, would be only too happy to provide the bouquet for your celebration.

I hope all this provided a ray of sunshine in these semi-dark times.